TNAI Officers and State Branch Meeting with State Chief Minister and Health Minister, Mizoram
Posted by: tnaimz | Posted on: August 14, 2023On behalf of TNAI Mizoram State Branch, I would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to our TNAI National President, Dr Roy, General Secretary, Madam Evelyn, Account Officer, Mr. Sivadas, National EC & Council Members and all the other officials at TNAI Headquarter who endlessly helped us and make it possible for us to have a property of our own. With this, TNAI Mizoram Branch members can prosper, both for the present nurses as well as the future generation of nurses in Mizoram. It is not only the financial help we are thankful for, but also for all the advices, guidance and knowledge they gave us.
Even though it is not easy to travel to our small state especially in the monsoon season, our National President, Gen Secretary & AO had done so with great difficulty & struggle. They have paved the way by meeting our State Chief Minister and Health Minister and discussing on how to lift up nursing profession in our state. We really appreciate them & we will work hard & try our very best to fulfill our shared dreams.